Thursday, August 12, 2010

Satan Hard at Work

Have you ever felt lead to do something for God? And as you go on that path follow Christ you keep getting hit by satan. That is how this last week has been for me. Every time I turn around I see a reason for us not to come back in January. Satan is hard at work here in Haiti, He doesn't want Gods Will to be done.
I was outside tonight just looking at the sky when my friend Marcus come by me. He said "that I was quiet tonight." He also asked "what would I tell my friends and family when I went home about Haiti." I told him that I had a good time but have been over whelmed a lot. I asked him how he would feel if everywhere he went people asked for things, even the shoes on your feet. The constant need overwhelms me. Everyday you hear another story of someone in need. I told him that I don't have a lot of money and I can't help everyone, How do I decide who to help and who not too? What he said made me almost hit myself in the head. He said "you could have a lot of money it doesn't matter, what you need to do is to ask God to lead you. He is all knowing and will tell you who to help. That was exactly the answer I should have already thought of, but satan had me so discouraged my vision was blurry and I was trying to do things on my own. When we try to do that we let satan get his foot in the door. That is when we will struggle!
Marcus also told me that he hopes I start a church here on the compound. He wants to learn the Bible. I told him I want to have a Bible study during the week and some kind of worship on Sunday night. After the conversation with him I seen the most important reason why we will be coming back to Haiti in January. That is to share Jesus Christ with as many people as we can! I can see the hunger for Jesus that many of the people around us have. No matter how hard it gets here, Gods strength will get us through it.
Theresa has had a great week. She told me yesterday "Is it wrong that I feel bad about leaving and would stay longer." She has people bringing her presents all the time. Yesterday and today two young girls brought he cherries. Marcus told us the second week we were here that all the Haitians know Theresa. He said everywhere he would go people would be talking about Theresa. I'm sure blessed to have such a wonderful wife.
The kids are ready to come home. Zacc said he wants to see his meme and maam. The girls are anxious to start school and see all their friends. I have asked them if they wanted to come back in January and they said yes. So God has been very good to us here in Haiti. We had no major sickness with anyone and we were able to meet a lot of great people, Haitians as well as Americans, oh yeah I can't forget about my Canadian friends too. We ask for your prayer for strength as we try to get everything done we need to get done before we go. (which is a lot more than we had to get done before we left the US.) Also please pray for our friends we leave behind. I know there will be a lot of tears shed on Sunday when we leave for Pierre Pyen.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bible Study

If you don't know it Haiti is full of voodoo. I recently read a blog from a fellow Haitian Missionary he was talking about voodoo and the beliefs. Please read his blog on voodoo before you read mine so you have some insight on voodoo. ( After I read it I decide to talk with a couple of my boys about it. I couldn't believe they told me everything he had written. They told me that Athensian had an older brother die after being flashed one night. I asked if they were scared about voodoo, they said they were. I told them I wasn't afraid of anything, and then I showed them Ephesians 6:10-18. These verses talk about putting on the armor of God. It is perfect for them. Athesian was so impressed that he asked if I could speak about this when we had our next service. So today we had our service, I would call it more of a Bible study with lots of questions. Athensian brought a friend, as we read the verses I could see that the new boy was taking everything in. After we finished reading the questions started. I could see he is searching for the answers, I did my best to answer them and add insight when I could. I got him a Bible and told him I would mark some verses for him. He wanted to know how he could get the armor of God. I told him it all has to start with Christ. So if you are reading this please pray for him. Pray that God will help me talk with him. He is so close. We are planning on having a Bible study on Thursday, I will encourage him to bring his questions then. I pray that Watson will keep our group going so the boys will have someone helping them to come to have a relationship with Christ.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Work team

We had a great time with all the work teams we have had here. The last team that was here was a great group of people. They worked very hard and accomplished many things. They got the roof finished on our house, and also painted it. They also painted Steve's roof too. I really like the colors. One thing cool was the team got to work with some of the Haitian boys. They got interact with them, even though they spoke different languages you could really see the bonds forming. This really gets me excited, because not only did we get things done around the compound, the team was able to teach the Haitians different forms of work. The team was also able to see how hard they work and how dedicated the Haitians are. The boys were here first thing in the morning everyday ready to work. I know that the team went home having a different outlook about the Haitian people.
That is one of our goals, we want a changed person getting on that plane in Port Au Prince. I want people to come and experience what God is doing here. He will change your life if you are willing to let Him. God works through all kinds of people. I see it here in Haiti all the time!
It is hard to beleive that the summer is almost finished. We only have 11 days to go. On one hand I'm excited to get back to the States, but I'm also sad because all of my friends are sad we are leaving. Please pray for them. They come to the compound everyday, their lives will have a huge hole when we leave. There is so much work here that needs done. And when I say work I'm not just talking about physical work, I'm also talking about Spiritual work. The harvest here in Haiti is ready, God just needs the workers. So if you think that God wants you to come to Haiti, don't be afraid.