Monday, June 21, 2010

Good day.

Today was a good day. It is starting to feel like home. Theresa has been teaching a couple of Haitians English. They brought her coconuts yesterday and came on the compund around 10am asking for her. She really enjoys it and shows great patients. I got a lot do around the compound. We did have a lot of rain this afternoon and that gave us a chance to figure out how all the water is getting into the shop. We now have to dig around the foundation and put cement on the blocks to seal it.
I was with a couple of boys trying to clean out one of the ditches when all of a sudden I felt a sting on my foot. Then another and another. I said ouch and one of the boys saw me rubbing my foot. (I had sandals on) He said something in creole and then they took off, rubbing there feet too (they had no shoes on). I took off running too and found out that we were in a major ant nest and the ants bite feels like a sting from a bee. Then we all started laughing. We were a little more cautious after that. We also saw a big toad. They were said "Andy Krapo" I picked it up and they all scattered. For some reason be it voodoo or what ever they hate any reptiles; toads, lizards, ect. They always want to kill them. Even the adaults don't like them. I explained to them that they eat mosquitos and that is a good thing!
We have a Haitian girl named Clona living with us. She is 20 yrs, she grew up at an orphanage named Caanan. I stayed there last year. She speaks perfect English so she is a big help if we need anything she is able to help us get it. We are paying her to cook, clean, and help us with the kids. Her cooking so far has been great! She cooks supper and we take care of the other meals.
The kids are doing great. They have been getting along much better since we got here. It is nice not having a tv, they are outside playing all day. Mainly in the pool. We all get up early and go to bed around 9. The kids are so tired they just say good night and go into their room. It is great!!!
There are many things that need done around the compound so I know it will be a busy week. My creole is getting better, when I talk to Haitians in creole the tell me that I speak good creole. I just wish I knew more words. That will be one of my biggest struggles remembering creole words. So please pray that I will be able to learn to speak creole. Thanks to everyone who is praying for us. I hope to have some good stories to post on our blog as time goes on. I pray that Gods WILL will be done!

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