Sunday, July 11, 2010

A day at the BEACH!

A day a the beach is always a great day. It is even better when you get to take friends along that don't ever get to go. That is what we did on Sat. I asked Theresa do we want to go sailing or do we want to ask the boys, that come on the compound and work hard for no pay, to go to the beach with us. She said "Go ask the boys" I first went up to Rolland. He is the hardest working 15 year old I have ever met. He comes to the compound every morning by 7 am. Right away he will ask me for a shovel or pick, and then he goes right to work. I paid him some money the first week because we had much rain that we had to dig ditches everywhere. The next week I told him I didn't have much money so there wasn't any work. He told me No problem and went to work. It is hard to watch people work so hard for free. That is why I felt they deserved to go to the beach. Later that day I told Alex, Atterson, and Lamar. I told them we would be leaving at 9 am the next morning. The next morning at 8 am they were here ready to go. We took a big cooler of water and stopped in St Marc and bought PB&J. When we got to the beach I got three items out of my back pack. The first was a Frisbee, no one grabbed it, Then I pulled out my football (again no one grabbed it) Then I took out our soccer ball, they all wanted that. So off they went to kick the ball around. There was some other people at the beach that came over and was kicking the ball with our guys. So they setup rocks for goals and was time to play soccer. They asked me if I wanted to play, I said no because I never played soccer before, but I told them Theresa would play because she loves soccer. She played for a little while then wiped out in the sand. So they called me up from the bullpen. Oh yeah that's baseball, well anyway they told me to play defense (it seems that everyone wants to play offense and they stick the new guy on defense) That was fine with me because I didn't have to run back and forth in the 100 deg heat on sand. Just running on defense was almost killing me. I did okay for my first time playing soccer. I really had fun, especially because we got to play with other people. I think the game was a tie, I'm not sure. But I do know this playing soccer on the beach in 100 deg temperature is not easy. My body feels it today. Yesterday was one of the best days I have had in Haiti. Not only did I get to spend it at the beach. We were able to spend it with some kids that deserved a break from their not so easy life. I wish I was able to write everything that I see and feel here. God is on the move here in Haiti. He has some great things planned. Please be in prayer for His will to be done. Some ideas that He has placed on my heart I wonder how is that possible, then the spirit tells me all things are possible for him who believes.

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